We have received advice from Petlog who run most of the microchip online database for our clients as follows.
Information for owners
We have asked Petlog customers to create a new online self-serve account, and customers who had not previously set up an online account, to create one.
However, you may have some clients, such as those whose details – including their name, email address, or title – have changed since their pets’ details were first placed on the Petlog database, who may find their registered pet details aren’t yet displaying on their updated online account, when they login.
We understand that this might be concerning some customers but we can give our reassurance that all pets are still safely on our Petlog microchip database and in the event of a pet going missing, reunification won’t be affected.
However, because their details may have changed and because Petlog has a duty to protect customers’ security data, we are asking customers who can’t see their pets’ details to fill in the ‘can’t see my pet’ form, within their new online account.
Our team will then review the security information and match up the pets to the online self-serve account, so customers can manage their details going forward.
We recommend that you can log onto their website at www.petlog.org.uk to check your status & follow their guidance if necessary.
We welcome new clients from Nottingham and beyond to our surgeries
Microchipping of Cats
The UK Government has made it compulsory to microchip your cat, or you may be fined
Heat Stroke in dogs & other pets
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